Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good 'Ole Copper Top

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I pray all is well with you this week and that you have experienced the powerful presence of our Mighty God moving in your life.

Earlier this week I was having an email conversation between some men in the church and one of them metioned that he was trying to get a slang term to catch on in reference to our church. He said, "I'll see you around the copper-top." We then had some other email exchanges. I responded with, "You can't top the copper top" because we worship "The One the Lasts" (of course referring to some duracell slogans).

Then another email came across saying, ""copper top, you'll always be, home sweeeet home to meeee. Good ole' copper top, copper top u-m-C, copper top u-m-C". I had to laugh at the exchange, but I was also encouraged by the love for our church community and the desire to reflect on our church in new and exciting ways.

It got me to thinking about FUMC and in what ways the rest of the Body perceives the ministries and in what ways the ministries of our church have touched your life. So, I would like to hear from all of you about why you love our church body and in what ways the ministries have touched your life. Next week I will post all of your responses. I hope that this will be an encouragement to the church as we continue to journey together and minister in the places that God is showing up in our community!

You can write your comment below in the comment section of this blog, or you can email me at It can be one word, a short paragraph, or a short story. Or, you can stop by the copper top and share your story with me in person. I look forward to your comments as we strive to be the best copper-top UMC, home sweet home to you and me.

"Precious Lord, You have created the church for our benefit. Thank you for leading us as we support, love, and equip each other. Thank you for the opportunities to encourage each other along the challenging path of life. Thank you for revealing Yourself to us in the midst of our fellowship together. Help us to not take the church for granted. Help us to not take You for granted. May our fellowship and our relationships with one another honor and glorify You. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen."

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