Thursday, April 12, 2012

Foggy Faith

Good morning!

I woke up this morning and looked outside to see the beautiful greening of my lawn after yesterday's wonderful rainstorms! We definitely needed the moisture and the difference in my lawn from yesterday to today is most miraculous! That is exactly how God works in our lives. He can take the brown, seemingly dead and lifeless parts of our lives, and bring it to new life again. As Easter people we believe that good news and we are called to live it out in every part of our lives.

However, there are times in our lives when the challenge to live in the joy and hope that God brings can be a challenge. Our own humanity, weakness, and brokeness can keep us from seeing God's presence and movement in our lives. As we look at our lives, it can feel as if we are in a fog and the road ahead of us is unknown. This became apparent to me yesterday as I traveled to Pueblo in the morning. As I drove Highway 50 the fog became thick and the road ahead disappeared into the mystery of the fog before me.

I have always loved the fog - as a natural phenomenon in God's creation. I'm not too keen on feeling foggy in my faith (those times of doubt, confusion, worry, and helplessness). The weather pattern has always intrigued me. I even love driving in the fog. No matter how well I may know the road ahead, the fog has a way of removing the familiar landmarks around me and creating a sense of mystery as to my actual whereabouts.

When I am driving into the fog, I love the feeling of living into the mystery of what lies ahead. There is something about the mystery that brings about feelings of excitement, wonder, and risk (which has at times created a sense of fear - depending on the situation). I love the mystery of life and living into the mystery of God and what He reveals to me on a daily basis.

I was reminded yesterday that even when I am struggling with foggy faith, my God is present in the midst of the mystery. Ecclesiastes 3:11 shares with us that God "has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

As you live into the mystery of your our church lives into the mystery of tomorrow...know that God is making this time beautiful and that He is there in the midst of the fog and mystery of life. While we may not be able to fathom everything God has done and is doing and will do...we can fathom the reality that God is there. Foggy faith need not forget the presence of God (just because you cannot see Him), but embrace the presence of God to lead us through!

Take Care & God Bless,

Pastor Don

Monday, April 2, 2012

Holy Journey

Good evening,

It has been a while since I've updated this blog. Since I last posted, we finished getting our home ready to put on the market, I spent 10 days in Haiti, and we are now journeying with Jesus to the cross and beyond during this holiest of weeks!

I love this time of year when Winter threatens to stick around and Spring teases us with its warmer weather, budding trees/flowers, and the opportunity to sleep with our windows open. (I also love the Easter candy...the best around in my opinion!) I love the Lenten season when we are urged to reflect deeply on our faith and its role in our lives. Every year I anticipate Holy Week wondering how God will reveal Himself to me and how the "old, old story" will be made new to me this year.

I approach Holy Week with a great deal of purpose and intentionality as I immerse myself in Jesus' journey to the cross. I love to experience the power of Jesus' last supper with His closest friends on Holy Thursday and then journey with Jesus to the cross on Good Friday. I try to make sure I do not look too far ahead...knowing that Easter is right around the corner. Jesus' friends and followers did not have the benefit of knowing what we know. For all they knew, this was the "end" of Jesus. The new kingdom they had longed for was not going to be realized. The range of emotions must have been extreme and they, no doubt, did not look upon these events as we do today. They lived it. They experienced it.

I try to do the same. I believe it is vital to our faith to walk this Holy Week path with the purpose of going deeper and striving to experience each step of Jesus' journey to the cross as genuinely and authentically as possible. I have found in my own faith that it is very difficult to experience the power of the resurrection without understanding the powerful experiences that lead up to the empty tomb. By approaching Holy Week in this way, the Easter experience has proven to have a more transformational impact on my life.My hope for all of us is that with every experience we have walking with Jesus, we will be transformed by the power of His presence, our faith will be deepened, and our purpose in this world realized and embraced. What makes this journey even more exciting is that we get to do it together!

Have a Holy Week,

Pastor Don

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Free Samples

Good morning!

I would like to share with you an experience I had late last week when I went to Safeway to pick up a few items we needed at home. I stopped by the deli to get some cheese and the nice lady in front of me was taking her time asking about almost every item, sharing a story about how used to cook it or times that she served it. It was very sweet, but I have to be honest, at one point I became slightly irritated because my wait was extending to almost 10 minutes. It was hard to get angry, especially after she turned around, noticed I was there, smiled, and said in a sweet manner, "I'm so sorry I'm taking so long. I'll hurry up for you." My irritation was immediately lifted. I couldn't be irritated by such sweetness. I guess the old adage is true, "Kill them with kindness." :)

When it was finally my turn, the lady behind the deli counter wore a big smile, was very energetic, and very attentive to my needs. Before preparing my order of cheese, she asked if I wanted anything else. I told her no, but she asked if I wanted any deli meat. Again, I said no, understanding that she was trying to sell me something I didn't come in the store to get. She then offered me the "best ham she's ever tasted!". Yeah...right. She said, "While I'm slicing your cheese, I'll give you a free sample." I never turn down free food (unless I know I don't like it)!

She gave me a slice and my mouth sang praises to the fine pig that offered this delectable meat. I know there are others involved in making it taste so good, but the pig offered the ultimate sacrifice! The lady affirmed my experience with some more push to buy some. I hesitated (cause now I'm thinking this is pretty good!). She offered me another free sample and it was just as good as the first. By now, she was done with my order and she asked me again if I'd like any of that ham off the bone. I had three options here: 1) Stick to my guns and say no 2) Say yes and share the delicious experience with my family 3) See if she continues the pattern and gives me more samples. Since I'm not too devious when it comes to free samples, I took door number 2 and I bought a full pound (not cheap!).

I would have never bought that ham, nor experienced how good the product was, had the lady behind the counter not offered me free samples.

I think there is something we can learn from this experience as the church. We are called to offer free samples in every life situation we find ourselves in as we represent our God and offer the free gift of grace that has made us whole! Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast."

God offers us free samples of His love and grace in the mundane and the chaotic, the simple and the complex, the doubtful and the faithful experiences of life. His love is a free gift to us and when we accept it we do not have a corner on the market. It is not meant to flaunt to others. It is not meant to be stored up for our own use (for the times we really need God's mercy and forgiveness!). When we fully receive God's love and grace, we are to give it away. We have the joy of offering free samples!

Free samples to those who don't even know they would be blessed by it!
Free samples to those who have already determined they are going to say "No."
Free samples to those who have experienced it, but aren't sure if they are willing to "buy" it.
Free samples to those who have fully received it.
Free samples to those who feel called to share what they have with those they know and love!

Free samples. It's that simple.

In what ways will you offer free samples of God's love and grace to those in your circle of influence this week?

Holy God, thank You for Your free gift of grace. Thank you for restoring my life and offering me free daily samples that lead me to get the full-course meal from You! I want to freely share what You have offered. Give me the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to feel for those who need a free sample in their life! In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

When God Shows Up

Dear Friends,

I want to share with you an experience I had this morning that touched my soul deeply. My morning had been busy and I was getting ready to leave to pick up my daughter from school to take her to a doctor's appointment. I had gone outside to try and catch someone I had just met with and when I was rushing back inside (to get my keys to leave), a lady had just pulled up and she opened her door and she asked me if I had a moment.

In my haste, I said that I don't have long since I had to pick up my daughter. So, I stood by her open door as she sat in her car. At first I did not recognize her, but when I got closer I realized that I had visited with her once before about 1 1/2 years ago. It was our only interaction, totalling maybe 45 minutes. She had a smile on her face as she spoke and she recounted our brief interaction. She said that since we met, the Lord had laid it on her heart to pray for me and my ministry. She said that she likes to take long walks down to the park and that the Lord kept laying my name and our church on her heart. She wanted me to know that I, and the church, were being prayed for without even knowing it. She metioned that she prayed that our ministry would be dynamic and she had a sense that God wanted to do something great.

She confessed that she usually doesn't share like this with others, but she felt compelled to come by and share it with me...just so that I would know.

I was deeply touched by her words, her spirit, and her faithfulness to God's leading. It touched me to the core of my being that a sister in the faith, who did not know me or our church, was listening to the promptings of the Spirit and laying us before God. I was reminded of the words in 1 Thessalonians 5:11-18 (I'll quote verses 11 and 18, but I encourage you to read the rest), "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing...Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

The Body is more than a group of people who gather together on Sunday mornings, or mid-week Bible studies, or weekly LIFE groups. The Body is the whole family of believers. We exist to honor God in the ways we encourage each other, pray for each other, and share our lives together...even if it comprises of two short interactions. Those interactions can change someone's day, someone's perspective, someone's life.

Today, God showed up in the form of a faithful lady whose name I do not even know...but whose faith touched me to the depths of my soul. I rejoice and give thanks and I pray that I will allow God to use me that way every day!!!

Loving God, thank you for the people You bring into our lives that put our lives back into perspective and who honor You with their faithful obedience to Your direction. Thank you for using them to turn our focus from worldly pursuits to spiritual pursuits. God, I want to be like that! I want people to see You through me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Recently, I have been reflecting on the story in the Bible when the Israelites crossed over the Jordan River and were confronted with the city of Jericho. Those massive walls were in front of them and God invited them on a journey to break down those walls. God's plan was an odd one. I am sure it raised some eyebrows, but the people responded...relying on the BIG God they served.

I have often heard people respond to life's difficult challenges with the faithful cliche, "God is bigger than my problems!", then later slump in spiritual despair because they are not experiencing the power of God behind them. When faced by large obstacles in life it is not enough to just state our belief in a BIG God, we must also be willing to follow this God and be led by Him.

God is BIG enough to only be limited by the obedience of His people. There are many things that limit me. I am limited by my body, my experiences, my skills, and my stubborness. I could go on and on and on, for there is virtually no end to the list of things that limits me. But God is so big that there is only one thing that limits Him. And that one thing is the obedience of
His people.

God was big enough to part the Red Sea, but the Israelites had to obey Him and be willing to cross. They crossed confidently on firm footing with firm hearts, danger behind, danger on both sides. They could have this kind of attitude because they knew that they had a big God, and He was fighting for them.

God was big enough to make the walls of Jericho fall, but the Israelites had to be willing to obey and march. The real obstacle was not Canaan but unbelief. The only difficulty for God was getting His own people to go with Him. It isn’t just belief that makes things happen. It is the obedience that faith produces that makes things happen. The people had to cross the Red Sea
and they had to march around the city. They had to be persistent and unflinching. Going halfway through the Red Sea or marching for 5 of the 6 days would not have gotten them victory. After the 6th day, their feet would have been hurting, and they would have been tempted to give up.

After all, they had seen no fruit to their labor – not even the smallest crack in the city wall. God is not limited to doing things a certain way. Militarily, the seven days of marching demanded nothing. But psychologically they demanded a great deal of courage…the effort appeared utterly preposterous…it would have been easier to fight than to have faith. If we fight, we will at least have a certain respect from the world, even if we lose. But faith always looks foolish in the
eyes of the world.

The Israelites marched around the city of Jericho to make the walls fall. I would have to say that there are a lot of walls that prevent people from coming to faith in Christ. There are a lot of walls that could prevent us from growing as a church or from being successful in our attempts to share the love of Christ to people. We have fears. We have doubts. But we have a big God. And He can make the walls fall down.

God is only limited by our faith and obedience. Let it not be said of us as it was said of the people in Nazareth that Jesus “did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13:58)

Almighty God, Who is bigger than my wildest dreams and expectations, strengthen me in my weakness, help me in my unbelief. I want to be led by You and experience the BIG blessings you have to offer in my life and in the lives of those around me. I desire for my faith to be more than words. I want to be obedient to Your direction as You lead me to break down the walls in my life and the walls that exist in our world, so that others can experience how BIG You are! In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Love

Good morning!

It's been a while since I have offered a blog post. I am happy to be back at it and to share with all of you what God is laying on my heart. The last few weeks have been a time of conflicting emotions and ardent prayers lifted up to God. As many of you know, I have been asked to take a new church appointment beginning July 1, 2012 at Hope UMC in Greenwood Village, CO (the south Denver metro area). My family is excited about the new opportunity God is giving us, while at the same time we are saddened to leave such loving and faithful people in our church and community. This transition will be a major change for me and my family. We are humbled that God, the Rocky Mountain Conference Cabinet, and the leadership at Hope UMC see within us the potential to succeed in another ministry setting. On the other hand, we feel there is so much more God wants to do here in Canon City.

It is in these conflicting moments that we have learned to trust God and His movement in our lives and to trust the work He will continue to do at FUMC Canon City. God is providing opportunities for all of us to partner with Him as He paints a beautiful picture of His Kingdom through the lives of all who consider themselves a part of His Body. We are blessed that God has created us in a way that we are forever connected.

That became so clear to me on Tuesday during staff meeting when Glenna Huskey shared a poem by her great-granddaughter, Rachael Murphy. Rachael is one of our 5th graders at FUMC. I would like to share her poem with you:

My Love
Love is often hidden to those lost in it
But my love is like a black hole trying to suck in the universe.
My love is one of a kind & can run far around the world.
My love will never stop
It will always go on & on & on.
Even when I pass away
My love will still go on.
I wish my love could go farther out of this world into the Galaxy.
I wish people could feel my love.
Love is a magical thing
It's God's wife,
It's Mother Nature's baby.

It is the love God gives that binds us together. It is the love we pour out to others that keeps us connected to each other and God. It is our love for one another that will go on and on and on, even when we pass away...even when we move.

My love to you all!

Pastor Don