Thursday, September 23, 2010

Balancing Act

Good afternoon!

This morning, as I was driving to the church, I heard an interview with Ted Cunningham on Q102.7. Ted is a pastor that co-wrote a book with Dr. Gary Smalley called "Great Parents, Lousy Lovers". I was drawn into what Ted was sharing about parenting in today's world. He was speaking straight to me about the struggles of having our kids involved in every activity under the sun and not losing that connection with your spouse.

In the interview, Ted talked about the Sabbath and how the commandment of keeping the Sabbath holy (Exodus 20:8-12) is the one commandment that the Lord elaborated on the most. It must mean He is serious about this commandment. God realized that if we are left to the craziness and busyness of our world, we will surely out-run our souls. Remember, at the time God wasn't talking to the Information Age of the 21st century. Yet, He knew the tendency of our human nature to not take time to slow down, rest, and become renewed and restored.

Pastor Ted mentioned that we do not do a good job of keeping the 4th commandment and that has now negatively impacted the lives of our children and it has impacted our marriages. Ted spoke of the importance of keeping the sabbath as a family. Making it a priority. Teaching our children how to make it a priority in their lives as well.

I know this is a balancing act and it appears impossible. But, I also believe, that many of us are instinctively aware of this need to slow down. We have been duped into believing that our adult lives have to be busy and that they have to revolve around keeping our children busy. God's command is counter-cultural. To Him it's not a balancing act (how much can I put on my plate and balance at one time). To Him it is the way it works. It is the way that helps us maintain our sanity and our health and our relationships.

One of the main victims of this busy-way-of-life is marriage. Husbands and wives are so busy driving the mini-van taxi, they don't take time for themselves. We don't realize that the greatest gift we can give our children is that of a strong, healthy, loving, vibrant marriage. A marriage that is centered on God and a marriage that loves each other as Christ loves us. It is not a marriage that is centered on the children, where everything revolves around them. It is not a marriage that makes decisions based on keeping the kids happy. It is a marriage based on loving each other and following God together.

When I think back to my childhood, yes I remember vacation to Hawaii and the soccer games and piano lessons and road trips, etc. But, what I CHERISH are the family devotion times before bed, worshipping with my family in church, and reading the Christmas story on Christmas day with my Grandpa. It was the spiritual nurturing that has kept me going. It is the spiritual upbringing that has become my Rock. Not all of that other stuff.

If you would like to read more about this book, you can go to: I know that am going to be getting myself a copy.

So, if you are living the balancing act and trying to figure out how to balance your life, your kids' lives, your marriage, your work, your faith - you don't have to look too far for the answer. God tells us to put one foot in front of the other, sit down on that balance beam of life, and regularly spend a day with Him.

"O God, my Rock and my Redeemer, there are times I feel like I'm about to tip over from all of the things I feel I have to do. I get off-balance and when I do, I see you as something else I need to deal with. Forgive me. Take Your hand and bring me back to the balance I seek. Remind me again and again of Your commandment to keep the Sabbath holy. Remove from me any temptation that will distract me from You. I seek the balance only You can bring to my life. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

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