Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another Breakthrough

Good afternoon!

Today I read from Luke 14:15-24 (I encourage you to read it) and it talked about the Kingdom of God. Actually, there are over 100 references to the Kingdom of God in the gospels...which means it was a pretty important topic for Jesus. Therefore, it should be an important part of our conversation as well. The story talks about how the Jesus is ready to invite all of us to the banquet table to experience the Kingdom of God (God's full presence around us), yet many make excuses or are distracted by other things this world has to offer.

Recently, I read about Gary Kildall. In 1973 he wrote the first popular operating system for personal computers, named CP/M. The story goes that IBM approached Kildall in 1980 about developing the operating system for IBM PCs. But Kildall snubbed IBM officials at a crucial meeting. Instead, Kildall chose to fly his new airplane.

IBM executives were frustrated with Kildall and instead turned to Bill Gates, founder of a small software company called Microsoft, and his operating system named MS-DOS. Fourteen yearss later Bill Gates was worth more than 8 billion dollars.

Kildall, who has since passed away, was not aware of what was right in front of him and how big the market would become for operating systems. In a similar way, we don't often realize how big God's Kingdom really is and when God comes calling with the offer of a lifetime, we tend to find other things to do.

Personally, I don't want to miss out on the Kingdom of God. I'm not just talking about Heaven here. I'm talking about seeing God at work around me and within me. The Kingdom of God is breaking through all around us in small acts of mercy, in words of kindness and compassion, in standing up for injustices, in speaking for those who are on the margins of society, in standing for the truth that comes through Jesus Christ, in a child's innocent look, and a baby's cry. The Kingdom of God is HUGE and I don't want to miss it.

Let me leave you with a thought that I was left with in a clergy gathering earlier today. It is a question I will ask myself everyday - "Where have I seen the Kingdom of God break through today? This week? How did I block it from breaking through?"

Imagine how our perspective of life and faith would change if we were always on the look out for the Kingdom of God - I think we would recognize just how BIG our God is and how BIG the opportunity is to live for Him.

No more excuses.

"Almighty God, thank You for breaking through the mire and mess of my world, to show me a glimpse of You every day. Forgive me when I have been a barrier to Your Kingdom being made a reality here on earth. Forgive my excuses and my desire to do other things that take me away from You. I don't want to make excuses anymore. I want to see You and Your greatness every day of my life. If You can use me God - I am Yours. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen."

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