Thursday, October 7, 2010

Abundantly Clear

Good morning!

Yesterday was my Dad's 62nd birthday. His birthday had a deeper impact on me than any of the previous birthdays I spent with him have had. I know why - it is because almost three months ago we easily could have lost him to the serious heart attack that he suffered. I am thankful and grateful that I was able to call my Dad on another birthday, hear his voice, and tell him I love him. The gift is more precious this time because of the profound reality that it was almost taken away.

When I reflect back on that journey with my family, I am reminded of what is most important in life. It has become abundantly clear that it is not the things I possess or the positions I hold. It is the simple things of faith, relationships, and being able to call someone and say, "I love you". It is abundantly clear that Jesus calls us to live an abundant life with Him. That does not mean that we pursue the abundance of things, but the abundance of LIFE He offers. Whatever emptiness and whatever voids are in our lives, they can and will be filled by the abundance of Christ's presence living in us.

In John 7:38-39 (The Message) Jesus says, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way, just as the Scripture says."

Have you ever stood by a powerful river and watched the current? I have many times. A big river carries enormous power and force—and Christ understood this when He chose this analogy. God’s Spirit flows like a river, and it produces mightily in the lives of those who have it. It radiates out of one who has it and brings love, faith, joy and peace from its Source—God.

This Spirit will help you meet challenges, defeat enemies, conquer fear and reflect cheerfulness. It will bring wisdom, knowledge and understanding. It will drive anger, bitterness and anxiety away. It will replace discouragement with energy and hope. It will bring zeal to accomplish and remove confusion and indifference. It will take shattered dreams and shriveled feelings, and expand them to new horizons—and bring an expectation of success. It will take stress and turn it into productivity and fulfilling accomplishment.

In James 1:17, God says that He gives every good and perfect gift. People cannot offer or bring to you the truly good things of life, but God can—and He says that He will if you come to Him and ask for help when you are in “time of need.” His answers are satisfying, and His strength is real—life-changing.

I am saddened when I see so many who are completely empty— so utterly devoid of joy, happiness and abundance. Many try drugs, fall into immoral lifestyles, pursue the wrong kind of entertainment, commit crimes, and otherwise get into trouble, simply because they are bored. They have no idea that their lives can be filled with purpose. This lack of understanding is so unnecessary, so far from what God intended for every human being.

From Isaiah 55:1-2 we hear these words (NIV), "Come, all who are thirsty, Come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare."

It has become abundantly clear to me that we can come to God, receive the blessing and power that comes from His waters, and experience the abundance of life. God has made it abundantly clear what brings life to our souls and what brings joy to our lives. Maybe it's time to start listening and discovering for ourselves that His promise is true!

"God of Living Water, bring nourishment to my spirit and soul. Forgive me for looking to other things to fill the voids within my life. Destroy the idols I have erected, and become the One for Whom I live. May Your waters of joy, strength, and abundance overflow in my life. May my cup runneth over as I live in the abundance You offer. In Jesus' holy name I pray. Amen."

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