Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Disciple or Executioner?

Good afternoon!

I pray your Holy week has been a time in which you have intentionally walked with Jesus and a time in which you will stop going through the motions of faith and deepen your relationship with Him.

In my journey this week, I found this quote from Henri Nouwen:

Passion is a kind of waiting - waiting for what other people are going to do. Jesus went to Jerusalem to announce the good news to the people of that city. And Jesus knew that he was going to put a choice before them: Will you be my disciple, or will you be my executioner? There is no middle ground here. Jesus went to Jerusalem to put people in a situation where they had to say "Yes" or "No." That is the great drama of Jesus' passion: he had to wait upon how people were going to respond. How would they come? To betray him or to follow him? In a way, his agony is not simply the agony of approaching death. It is also the agony of having to wait.

I hate waiting. Therefore, I understand the agony of what waiting can bring. But, usually, my waiting consists of waiting in line, or waiting for my kids to do their chores, or waiting for the car in front of me to move when the light turns green. But, waiting to see how those you love will respond to you? WOW - that kind of waiting is even agonizing to think about and endure.

As we journey with Jesus to the cross this week will we sing "Hosanna!" or "Crucify Him!"? Will we make Jesus wait to see how we will respond to the grace He has given us? What part of the crowd will you be a part of? We have to make a choice - either we align ourselves with Jesus or against Him. Is there really any in-between?

Will you follow Jesus to the death? Or, will you lead Him to His death? Will you abandon the world to follow Him? Or will you deny Him to maintain your comfort and security?

Something to ponder this Holy Week.

Precious Lord, forgive me when I have been luke-warm in my faith. Forgive me for standing against You in my words, my actions, my thoughts, and my decisions. Forgive me for making You wait on me. But, thank You for Your patience. I want to stand with You, but I need Your strength and courage. I want to serve You till my own death, so that I can be with You in the life to come. Help me realize that my own comfort and security in the things of this world is just an illusion. It will all pass away. But, Your peace, Your love, and Your grace will remain. Guide me and lead me to be a disciple that honors You with every step. In Your name I pray. Amen.

Take Care & God Bless,

Pastor Don

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