Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Say Awe

Good afternoon!

What a beautiful day God has created for us to enjoy today. The sun is shining, my family is healthy, and my spirit is good.

Have you ever had one of those days where it just seems nothing could go wrong? Your spirit just smiles through the day? Well, today is one of those days and I am going to enjoy it because I know that these days don't last forever. Maybe that is why they are so special. I want to drink in the feeling, absorb the moment into my soul, so that when my days aren't going as well I can be reminded of this time.

I sometimes wonder why we experience these ethereal moments in life. I wonder, "why today?". But, my spirit responds in a way that reminds me to allow myself to be in awe of the moment and to be in awe of God.

As I think through my day, it is nothing different than any other day. I got up. Went to the bank. Went to the grocery store. Went to work. Lunch plans were changed. Had an unscheduled meeting. Did some paperwork. Now I'm writing this blog. Nothing different - on the outside.

Internally though, it's like I've been living in a sense of awe all day. Awe of what God has done, is doing, and will do.

In awe that our puppy didn't have an accident last night - Praise the Lord!
In awe that my son is doing well after oral surgery - Praise the Lord!
In awe that our friend mows our lawn for us (because I'm lazy) - Praise the Lord!
In awe of God's provision - Praise the Lord!
In awe that I have a family that loves me, in spite of me - Praise the Lord!
In awe that God has called someone like me to tell people about Him - Praise the Lord!
In awe of God's creation and how His Son continues to shine in my life - Praise the Lord!
In awe of how God is working in another man's life (thanks for sharing your story with me Darryl) - Praise the Lord!
In awe that the little squirrel made it to the other side of the road, even after being knicked by a car - Praise the Lord for His protection!
In awe that God has blessed me with so many friends that I got to reconnect with while on vacation last week - Praise the Lord!
In awe of the staff I work with and their dedication to our Lord - Praise the Lord!
In awe of GRACE, LOVE, and HOPE that comes from our AWEsome God!

Whether you are struggling today, or going through the humdrum of life, or you are having a good day - take some time to say "Awe" and take in the wonders of our incredible Creator.

"Most awesome God, thank You for all that You have blessed me with - great and small. Thank You that I do not have to walk through this life alone. Even when all have seemed to abandon me, You are with me. When all seems lost, You remind me of the victory You had over death. When I am weak, You make me strong again. I am in awe of You - my Mighty Savior, my Dependable Deliverer, my AWEsome God! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

Take Care & God Bless,

Pastor Don

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