Thursday, August 5, 2010

A New Chapter

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I pray that you have been able to experience the power of Christ in your life this week.

This week I have had the wonderful pleasure to delight in one of my daughter's accomplishments. My daughter is 9 years old and she loves to read and write. She has a very creative side to her. In late January of this year, some 6 1/2 months ago, she decided that she wanted to write a book. A lofty goal and one that, quite honestly, I thought was too lofty. My daughter has the habit of starting many things and not finishing them.

As with most goals, she started off strong and with great gusto. She would write a paragraph or two and have to read it aloud to the family. We encouraged her and recognized some latent talent that was starting to come out. After a while, she wasn't picking up the computer as often and the writing of the book was put on the shelf, so to speak. At least, that is what I thought.

From time to time, my daughter would start the project back up and focus on her book. Over the last month she has been really determined until earlier this week she looked up from the computer and said, "My book is done!" I was excited for her and proud of her, as she accomplished a very large goal.

When you think of a 9 year old writing a book, you may think, as I did, that the "book" would be only a few pages long. After printing it out today, her book is 39 pages (roughly)! Not only that, she has a "book cover" with pictures and title, along with 9 chapters, each with their own title. It is really impressive! I printed out the pages and formatted it in book form for her and when I brought it home she shouted, with giddiness in her voice, "My first published book!" How can you not smile?

So, to make it really official, I would like to be the first person to quote from my daughter's book, "Fighters: Newcomer", from the 6th chapter titled "The Grouping". (by the way, this book is about a pack of dogs as they establish their pack and the other packs they encounter) "'Snowfight, do you promise to train as hard as you can, and protect the pack even at the cost of your life?' Samuel asked. Snowfight replied firmly, 'Yes, I do.'" Samuel then asks another dog named Wolfmix, "'do you promise to train your apprentice to be a noble fighter and a dog I can trust?'...'Yes sir, I promise.'"

If that little snippet doesn't impress you, I don't know what will! If you'd like to read the book, I'd be happy to get you a copy. Let me know! I think Birdhouse Publishing has just been established : )

This is a great story, and even more fun to tell, but why did I share that particular quote? Why did it catch my eye?

Recently, the leadership of our church has been talking about what it is going to take to reach a generation of people that we struggle to reach. The question the wise leader above asks, can be a question for us as we strive to fully live behind our mission and vision. Do we promise to train hard (read our Bibles, pray hard, love well, meet together on a regular basis) and are we willing to protect the truth of the gospel, even at the cost of our lives? (we sacrifice our time, we sacrifice our agendas, we sacrifice our power and position, and yes, even sacrifice our lives)

Do we promise to train and equip others to become trustworthy disciples of Jesus matter the cost? Are these promises we can make to God in order to keep the church pack strong and healthy?

I wonder, sometimes, if we know what it really takes to provide ministry that will impact our current and future generations. I am not saying that we compromise the message or water it down - the gospel does not change. Our approach to ministry changes. Our worship changes. Our communication changes. Our perspective changes. It is not that we are trying to write a completely different book. We are just needing to start a new chapter.

Are we up for it? These are things we need to explore...together. I look forward to the journey. If you have insights of what the church can do to reach the new generations of people, comment on this blog or email me - I'd love to hear from you!

Precious Lord, we seek Your guidance and direction as we strive to tell others about your love and grace in new and exciting ways. We know that you have called us to protect the integrity of the church while at the same time making it relevant for the world we live in. Give us courage to see with Your eyes, love with Your heart, and proclaim with Your voice. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Take Care & God Bless,

Pastor Don

1 comment:

  1. So........where can we get an autographed copy of the book?
