Monday, July 26, 2010

Do You Have the Time?

Can you believe how time has flown this summer? I look back to my kids' last day of school and I cannot believe that we are now making arrangements for school shopping and that the new school year starts in 33 days. Our time this summer has been filled with conferences, vacation, and a multitude of wonderful ministry events here at the church.

I'm sure if you were to ask me a few times this summer if I had time to do something, I would have answered "No!" (rather emphatically) It seems that when I am in the midst of a busy time in my life, I feel I don't have the time to do anything else or add anything else to my plate. I am a person that needs my down time and my alone time and when I don't get it, I can quickly become overwhelmed.

As I reflect on this quick summer months, and in conjunction with my message in worship on Sunday, I realize that I have the same amount of time every day to do whatever it is that I need to get done. But, there are times that I don't manage myself very well when it comes to the time in my life.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr, the author of "Life's Little Instruction Book", said, "Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

It isn't that we don't have the time, it is what we do with the time that we have that can either make a difference in the world around us or create chaos in the world within us. So, as we quickly approach another school season and as I look at my calendar getting full by the minute, I hear God asking me to take another look at my time and decide how I am going to use it the best. Will I use it by running frivolously from one appointment and event to another, or will I invest it in making a difference in this world for the sake of Jesus Christ?

Do you have the time?

Creator of all time, You have blessed me with this life and with the gift of time. I want to walk so close to You that I see the opportunities You place within my path and I take the time to experience my time in a new way. I want the time I have been given on this earth to make a difference for the sake of Your Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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