Thursday, December 1, 2011

Remain in Me

Good morning!

This Christmas is taking on a whole new meaning for me this year. I mentioned it in my message on Sunday that I always approach Christmas and this holy season with the best of intentions. I want to give more of myself. I desire to experience hope, peace, joy, and love on a deeper level. But I find that I get swept up in the current of the manic activity this season has to offer in our world. This Christmas things will be different and I refuse to wait until next year!

In order for this season to remain holy, for that matter, our lives to remain holy, we need to be intertwined with the presence of our holy God. Usually, I use the word "connected". But that word does not seem to go as deep as I'd like. If I am connected to something, I can become easily disconnected. However, if I am intertwined with something or someone, it is hard to unravel.

In my morning devotion today, I was reminded of the Scripture of John 15 when Jesus kept saying, "Remain in me...". This is more than being is living and breathing in Jesus. It means that He wants me to be so intertwined with Him that His will becomes my will...His way of loving becomes my way of loving...His way of living becomes my way of living. I encourage you to read the entire chapter and go deeper with Jesus and His timeless truth.

In that devotion, a quote from Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity was shared. The quote speaks of the work the Lord is doing in my life this Christmas. "Remain in Me, not for a few moments, a few hours which must pass away, but remain, permanently, habitually, Remain in Me, pray in Me, adore in Me, love in Me, suffer in Me, work and act in Me. Remain in Me so that you may be able to encounter anyone or anything; penetrate further still into these depths. This is truly the solitude into which God wants to allure the soul that He may speak to it, as the prophet sang."

Allow this Christmas season to be God's call to bring you back into a deep relationship with Him. Allow this season to remind you of the perfect gift that comes in the form of a little baby - not the one you buy on the shelf. Allow this season to inspire you to remain in Jesus...not only this season but throughout the year.

Gracious God, Loving Lord, thank You for Your presence with me as I make my journey to the manger this Christmas season. Forgive me for what I have made of this season...for connecting and disconnecting with You as I do the lights on my Christmas tree. Thank You for calling me back to You and wanting to live deeply with me. My heart's desire is to remain in You. Give me the will to go deeper and the strength to endure. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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