Friday, November 19, 2010

King Jesus Is All

Good morning!

I cannot believe that a week from today I will be coming out of my tryptophanic coma and still desiring the best leftovers of the year - turkey, mashed potatoes/gravy, green bean casserole, and potato cheese casserole...not to mention a piece of pumpkin pie for dessert! Ohhhh, I can't wait!

It is common that we think about Thanksgiving at this time of the year. Some of you may be preparing food right now. Some may be getting things ready for company or getting ready to travel. As a culture, we are getting ready for the beginning of the holiday chaos, er, I mean, season. We are preparing for the rush to pick up in our lives.

In the midst of this rush and push over the next five weeks, we often forget about a special time of the Christian year. This Sunday, November 21st, marks the end of the church liturgical year. Advent is the beginning of the church year and it begins on November 28th. There is a special name for this upcoming Sunday and it is called Christ the King Sunday. It is a time that encourages us to stop and reflect on the reign of Christ in our lives throughout the year. It is important to do this before we return to the humble manger from which Jesus was introduced to the world.

When I was a Youth Pastor in Fort Collins, CO, there was a song that became the youth group song and it was called, "King Jesus Is All". One of our youth would play the guitar and I would lead the singing in my best gospel singing voice (hey, I tried!). The song went like this:

King Jesus is all (King Jesus is all)
My all in all (My all in all)
I know He'll answer (I know He'll answer)
Me when I call (Me when I call)
Walkin' by His side (Walkin' by His side)
I'm satisfied (I'm satisfied)
King Jesus is all (King Jesus is all)
My all in all (My all in all)

I went up to meet the Lord (oh yeah!)
I got down on my knees
I said my very first prayer (Amen!)
You know the Holy Ghost met me there (Ah, Ah, Ah)
I stepped on the Rock, the Rock was sound
Oooh, the love of God came a tumblin' down
The reason I know that He saved my soul
Is I dug down deep and I found pure gold!

He is all....

The song and the memory still bring a smile to my face. Before we jump into the holiday rush. Before we bake the turkey and pies. Before we doze off from full bellies and hours of football. Before we wake up early for Black Friday shopping. Let's remember Christ the King. Let's remember how the power of His life, His love, His grace, and His resurrection has touched our lives this year and made a difference in our hearts and in the hearts of those around us. Let's remember that He is our all in all. By remembering these things, the humble manger from which our King came to be with us will have deeper meaning this year. Thanks be to God!!!

"Almighty God, from whom the King of my life has come, thank you for Jesus. Thank you for the life He brings and for the difference He has made in my life. As we end this part of the Christian year and begin the next, I want Jesus to continue to reign in my life and I want Him to be my all in all. In His holy name I pray. Amen."

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