Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What Does the Church Look Like?

Hello Again!

Last week I shared with you the importance of reflecting the image of Christ wherever we go. When we walk faitfully with God and reflect His nature and presence, we are able to effectively show the world what God looks like. Well, this past weekend, I was reminded what the church looks like.

If you grew up in the church and learned the traditional Sunday school songs like I did, you may very well remember the song "We Are the Church". The lyrics go something like, "The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place, the church is the people...". When we think about these words, it makes sense. However, often times, we get bogged down into thinking that the church is the building, the programs, the budget, and committee meetings. We know it is deeper than that, but we focus so much on those things, that it is easy for us to forget the people.

I was reminded this weekend of what the church looks like when 15-20 churches in Fremont County and over 450 volunteers came together to help our neighbors through Sharefest. When 1500-2000 people gathered together at Veteran's Park for our Celebration worship service on Sunday night, I thought to myself, "This is what heaven on earth looks like." This is what Jesus prayed for in John 17 when He prayed that His followers would be one.

Sharefest spoke to the depths of our collective spirit and I hope that it reminded all of us what the church looks like. It is active. It is helping. It is serving. It is praying. It is working for the good of all. It is restoring. It is reaching out and digging deep. Church is a verb. It is what we are supposed to be, not a place to go.

I pray that we do not get comfortable in being the Church, by just doing church on Sunday mornings. I pray that we may be reminded when we make decisions about our buildings, our programs, our budgets, and our ministries, that the Church is not the culmination of these things. It is the people, and everything we do is for people - that they may catch-a-glimpse of Jesus in their lives and come to know Him.

What does the church look like? I know it is diverse and it may look different from one place to the next. What I do know is that I caught a glimpse this weekend of what it should look like every day!

Creator God, You create opportunities for me to be the Church with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Give me the wisdom to see those opportunities in the ways I serve You and my neighbors. Give me Your heart to see their needs and the gifts to meet those needs. Create in me a deep desire to BE Your Church. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Take Care & God Bless,

Pastor Don

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