Thursday, October 6, 2011

What Do You Love?

Good afternoon!

Last Sunday, I invited all of the worshippers in attendance who consider FUMC Canon City their home to write on an index card what they love about being a part of this family of faith. My reason for doing this is because we, as a people, are being engulfed by everything people believe is wrong about the world, government, corporations, churches, families...must I go on? The complaining and the griping and the negativity is starting to take over our lives and, unfortunately, it leaks into our churches and the holy, set apart life, we are called to live together. While there may be things in our personal, communal, and religious lives we do not agree with or understand, the colicky nature of our culture is not the way we are called to respond.

The Scriptures abound in the importance of building each other up and seeing each other with the eyes and heart of God. To be the Body that God created us to be, I believe we need to be about the work of seeing where God is working and pointing out how God is showing up in the midst of our journeys. The Scriptures tell us that those who follow Christ are to show a new way of being community with one another. We build each other up, not tear each other down...not only within the Body, but outside of the Body as well.

For further personal study on this read these passages:
Romans 15:1-13, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 10:19-25

I believe God calls us to be generous with our encouragement and in building up the Body so that we are most effective in the work of Christ in this world. In light of our need, and quite honestly our thirst, for encouragement, allow me to share with you what people love about our church.

I love this church and the ministers. I receive a good message every week. It has brought be closer to the Lord.

"This has been my church for 35+ years. We have many friends here...great singing by Bernie Topash - that music makes me feel like God was in our midst - such a blessing."

The people of our church are a giving people.

"Fellowship with like-minded Christians."

The love of Christ and His Word.

"The relationship we have with this church family."

The sermons, to see my church family, to bring my children to Sunday school and youth group.

"Coming together to learn and live in the presence of God. The peace that comes in the fellowship and sermon as we focus back to God."

Denny and Lois when they harmonize. Ivan, Amanda, and Emily.

"The love of the believer of Jesus Christ that is shown to us."

It gives me strength for the week ahead.

"The people...that I am accepted where I am and for who I am."

Friendliness (we got a lot of these responses)

"I like that we as a church are growing as Christians and growing as a family."

The church excites me with the fellowship of believers that surround me - and just not Sundays alone but all week long. The Spirit of the Lord is in this place.

"I am continually guided to the Bible and a personal relationship with Jesus through the pastors' messages, music, and fellowship."

Singing and Worship and Music

"The people here are all from many different backgrounds both socially and spiritually which makes them welcoming to all. It is easy to find a niche."


Those are only 1/2 of the responses we've received so far. Doesn't it feel great to focus on what God is doing in our midst? The words that come out of our mouths and the thoughts we have in our hearts and minds come out of that which we love. When we speak encouraging words, we demonstrate a love for God and other people. What do you love? How are you going to communicate that love this week?

Holy God, You are the Great Encourager and I am grateful for the encouragement you offer me and for loving me with Your heart of mercy and grace. Forgive me for my complaints and my grumblings. Forgive me for not seeing in others and in Your Body, what You see. Give me an encouraging heart and a grateful spirit so that You can use me for the building up of Your Kingdom here on earth. In Jesus' holy name I pray. Amen.

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