Friday, May 14, 2010

God of Second Chances

Happy Thursday Everyone!

I pray that all is well with you and that you have been able to experience the power of God's spirit in your life in new ways this week.

Recently, I received an email with the following link, This is a great video that had me smiling and praising God for the wonderful holy moments He blesses us with. I must admit, my eyes were a bit moistened at the end. If you were to walk into my office, I would have told you it was my allergies (a man thing!). This video is moving and powerful.

To be for-warned, it can be difficult to hear the video at times because it is done outside and it is windy on this particular day. In the video a homeless man, Danny, starts singing with a gentleman who is making a video for one of his songs called God of Second Chances. The homeless man has a very heavy accent, but most of what he is saying at different parts throughout the video is this: "One God, One Creator, One Father...O the Holy Ghost is moving like a magnet...Jehovah remember me when I go down on my knees to pray...Hallelujah is the highest praise!"

It is a touching moment that reminds me that whatever our circumstances in life, we can still give praise to our God and sing hallelujah because of His continued presence and movement within our lives.

The video also reminded me that we do serve a God of second chances (and third, and fourth, and so on down the line). We serve a merciful, loving, and forgiving God who remembers us and journeys with us when we fall down on our knees before Him. Without that mercy and deep love, I know that I would be lost in the abyss of my own life, my own failures, and my own inadequacies.

Since I serve a God of second chances, maybe I should be more willing to offer those same chances to those around me. Maybe I should also demonstrate the mercy, love, and forgiveness that has been showered upon me. In doing so, maybe I'll experience God in a new and deeper way. What do you think?

O God of second chances, I praise you and thank you for your mercy and grace. I thank you for taking me from the miry clay of my life and molding me into the person I am today. I know, God, that there is still much work to be done on my soul, my heart, my life. I place myself into Your hands every chance I get. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Take Care & God Bless,

Pastor Don

1 comment:

  1. The video was so worth watching! Couldn't keep from smiling from ear to ear!
