Thursday, November 5, 2009

Increasing Our Chances

Good afternoon!

Another beautiful day in Canon City, Colorado. You would never know that we are in November with the temperatures in the mid-70s, people wearing shorts and driving around with their windows down. It truly is beautiful weather and we can give the glory to our Creator for offering us this blessing today.

I want to share another blessing that happened two nights ago. My wife and I took our kids out for a celebration dinner at El Caporal to celebrate their good reports from our parent-teacher conferences.

As we were eating dinner my daughter was talking to us about how some of the girls in her class are boy crazy. She said that she looks at them and says, "What are you thinking? We're kids and we don't need to be doing that stuff. We're kids and we're supposed to party and have fun because when you get older you don't get too many chances to do that!"

My wife and I about died. I am making the assumption that I am at the age where I don't get much of a chance to party and have fun. What can I say, these semi-old bones and this withered spirit are running out of the fun chances life has to offer!!!

It did make me think, however, of the importance of demonstrating the joy and fun in life with my children. If they think that growing up is full of seriousness, pain, discouragement, stress, etc. - then growing up and, eventually, adulthood will lose it's joy and excitement as well. No doubt, there is more that we deal with as adults, but I wonder how much different our lives would be if we dealt with it from the perspective of a child.

When that stressor comes into our lives, or that situation at work, or that gutteral reaction to things going on around us, we say, "Hey, we don't need to get worried and bogged down by that stuff! We're God's children and we're supposed to experience His joy and revel in the strength and peace only He offers! If we don't, our spirits grow old and worn and we lose our chances at joy!"

I wonder what impact that would have on my life? On the life of my family? On the relationships God blesses me with?

In this Thanksgiving month, we are reminded that there is so much to be thankful for. Living with a grateful heart will open up a whole new world to us and it may even help us to come to Jesus with the spirit and awe of a child.

In the words of George Herbert, "Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thing - a grateful heart!" May that be our matter what happens around us. With a grateful heart, our own spirits and the lives of those around us, will be able to see that there is joy to be experienced in this world and in the God we choose to serve! Maybe that will increase our chances at having some fun with this life!

O God, give us grateful hearts, that our lives may be full of thanksgiving and joy. Give us eyes to see your blessings, great and small, and may our spirits be lifted by Your presence with us. In Jesus' holy name. Amen.

Take Care & God Bless,

Pastor Don

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