Friday, June 3, 2011

Enough Said

Happy Friday!

I know it is a happy day for my kids as they celebrate the first day of summer vacation. My son still wasn't awake when I left just before 9:00 this morning.

Lately it has been bothering me how much talking we do as a culture. As a man who has only 15,000 words at his disposal on a daily basis (from what the scientists say), I have to use them carefully and wisely! We have to length...EVERYTHING.

We need to discuss how many calories are good for a healthy diet, or the reasons for our current weather patterns across the country, or whether taxes should be higher or lower or whether spending should increase or decrease (that is a personal and national debate - from the Bird House to the White House). We have to talk about what a celebrity wore, or didn't wear, at a highfalutin event. We talk about why the Rockies are playing poorly or we talk about the end of the world (if the Rockies don't make the playoffs it will feel that way for me). It seems there is always big talk around who should have won on Survivor, The Biggest Loser, or American Idol.

I'm not saying that these things are not note-worthy or discussion-worthy. They are if they interest you. And, some of the topics really don't make a difference in our lives. They are just fun to talk about and debate. However, when I look at the things that do matter in our lives like government, spirituality, church, personal relationships, etc., we can talk things to death and nothing ever seems to get done. We talk about change, but we don't really change (we just rearrange the chairs on the deck). We talk about reprioritizing our lives, yet we find it difficult to actually do it. We talk about transformation, but we don't fully partner with God to experience it.

Maybe I'm over-reacting, but it feels that we do a lot of talking and we struggle with doing what is really good, right, and true for our lives, for each other, and for God's created world. Don't get me wrong, talking things out and allowing for open discussion is important, but it seems we get stuck in the rut of just talking. Eventually, a decision has to be made and we have to get to the "doing" part of our lives.

There is a common saying that says, "Less is more." So, instead of talking this blog to death, maybe I should say one more thing. When life gets confusing and complicated, it is something I tell myself often and it gets me refocused and back on track...


Enough said.

Gracious God, help me to communicate the power and truth of Your Son Jesus as simply and as genuinely as I can...and use words if I have to. In His holy name I pray. Amen.

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