Greetings in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
In the midst of your busy week and busy schedule, I pray that you have been able to find rest and peace in our Lord's presence this week. If you have - Praise be to the Lord! If you haven't - I encourage you to find that time and not put it off any longer.
In life I am always amused about the many ways in which God teaches us some very simple, yet profound, life lessons. I try to commit myself every day to being open to the multitude of ways God is speaking in my life. Sometimes it is my children who are God's vessels. Sometimes it is my wife. Sometimes it is my church family. Sometimes it is a thought or reflection. Sometimes it is God's Word. Sometimes it is something I hear on the radio. And, sometimes, it is God's very own creation.
I would like to speak to the latter. As I was driving through a neighborhood in Canon today, I noticed a little squirrel that was waiting along the side of the road trying to decide when to make the journey to the other side (I could make a joke here, but I will refrain from the temptation). The squirrel had a big nut in his mouth and I was immediately reminded of one of my Dad's sayings, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then." Again, I digress.
As I slowly made my way toward the squirrel, he thought it in his best interest to go for it. He held onto his treasure tightly and darted across the road. Watching this, I slowed my vehicle down, not wanting to bring injury to one of God's creatures. As I slowed, I intently watched the antics of my squirrely friend as he danced in the road.
When he started his journey, he did so with gusto and good intentions. He put all of his energy into making it across the road. But then, only a few feet from safety, he stopped. I believe it is because he sensed he was in peril due to this bucket of bolts approaching him. In the midst of his fear, he became indecisive. He darted back from where he came. He stopped. He changed directions and pointed himself toward his original destination. Then, he stopped again. He went back toward the side of the road from which he came, but he didn't get all the way there. He just sat in the road as I approached. He made me go around him.
I watched him in my rear view mirror as he went back to his original starting place. He probably took a few deep breaths. Gave himself another pep talk and mustered up the strength to make the journey once again. But, wouldn't you know it, another obstacle came barreling towards him.
I don't know how the journey turned out for my fuzzy friend. I saw the break lights of the truck heading towards him and I tell myself that he made it to the other side safely. Whether he did or not, only God knows. However, I immediately wondered if that is how God sees me as I journey through life. Maybe God looks upon me and my squirrely faith.
I gather my strength to make it across the seemingly perilous paths of life. I pray. I give myself a pep talk and I go for it. As I journey forward, somehow I lose my focus on where I am heading. I see the possible dangers in front of me, I freeze in fear, and figure it is best to go back to where I started. For all I know, I may be close to my goal...close to the realization of my dream...close to the end of my struggle...close to the promised land...close to safety...yet, I freeze in fear, doubt, and confusion and find myself right back where I started. Except this time...I am more tired, weary, and exhausted.
It reminds me of so many stories in the Bible of how our journey starts off with great intentions, with power and strength and courage. But, how quickly we lose it because our journey loses focus. I am reminded of the Israelites on their 40-year journey to the Promised Land and how they wanted to go back to Egypt (at least they knew what slavery was like...the unknown was too much for them.) - Numbers 14.
Why do you think there are many Scriptures that remind us to keep our focus on God, to persevere, and continue on in the faith? Don't take my word for it, check these stories out for yourself - Matthew 6:33, 2 Peter 1:5-8, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 3:14, 1 Timothy 6:12, Hebrews 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 9:23-27, Philippians 3: 12-14. These are just to name a few.
Whatever road of life you are trying to cross today - keep your focus. Don't turn back. In the midst of the journey you will find God. In the midst of the dangers, you will find safety. In the midst of your weariness, you will find strength. For all you know - you may almost be there!
Take Care & God Bless,